Amplify! (2021)
Event Price: Free! Watch it here!
Suggested Rating: R for Strong Language
No apologies. No regrets.
I am who I am and I am meant to be who I am by law of natural order. Whether you're lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, be proud of who you are and let your rainbow glow with the blinding lights of resilience. You deserve to exist!
Concept and VideoDirectors: @shannon_ashlia and @boldlycthomas
Dancer: @shannon_ashlia
Original Poem By: @boldlycthomas
Stage Tech: Gustavo
Videographers: @shawnthecameraman @tunedtotune @isitmodern
-Season 1-
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Season Finale: