When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.
--Maya Angelou
Joe’s Movement Emporium would like to recognize the wonderful supporters that provide support for our programs and general operations. Listed below are those individuals and organizations who contributed (both dollars and in-kind) between January 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 to help Joe’s continue its mission to support cultural experiences through arts education, job training, and a creative community.
If you donated to Joe’s, we cannot thank you enough. We would not be a twenty-five-years-and-counting institution were it not for amazing community support.
For questions about the list below or to learn about how you can support Joe’s Movement Emporium, please contact LaTanya Farrish Robinson
Maryland State Arts Council
Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development
Prince George's County Council
$50,000 - $99,999
The National Endowment for the Arts
$25,000 - $49,999
Arts Forward Fund, a partnership between the Greater Washington Community Foundation, The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, and 16 other foundations and individual donors
The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
The Clark-Winchcole Foundation
The Equity Fund, a component fund of the Greater Washington Community Foundation
Maryland Department of Labor
United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 3, Maryland Department of Natural Resources & the Chesapeake Bay Trust
Venture Philanthropy Partners
$10,000 - $24,999
The Harman Family Foundation
The George Preston Marshall Foundation
Maryland Department of Commerce
MGM Resorts International
The Morgan Fund at Seattle Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Chaney Enterprises Foundation Fund
Continental Construction
Crescent Cities Charities, Inc.
Charles & Janet Kidd
Maryland Milestones/ATHA
Prince George's Community College
Prince George's County Council District 7
Mary Jo Putney
The Nora Roberts Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Ann & Jonathan Barrett
Margaret & Pamela Boozer-Strother
Adrienne Charles
Keefer & Liza Douglas
Robert & Alaine Duncan
Gretchen Dunn
Michael Herman
Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission
Martin Mellett & Judith Walsh-Mellett
Timothy Meyer & Valerie Woodall
City of Mt. Rainier
Kesh Narayanan & Annelie Wilde
Craig Pascal
Prince George's Arts & Humanities Council
Prince George's County Council District 2
Prince George's County Council District 3
Prince George's County Council District 4
Starbucks Foundation
Target Brands, Inc.
$1,000 - $2499
Town of Brentwood
Al Briggs & Vanessa Dixon-Briggs
Nicole Burton & Jim Landry
Caldwell Community Chapel
Rose Ann Cleveland
College Park Rotary Club
Mary Jane Coolen & Edward Terry
Nassim Ebrahimi
Dimick Foundation
Jeff Goodman
John Hannon & Julie Huff
Edie Johnston
The Katherine Lindsay Howell Fund
Hiram Larew
The Maplesden Group
Meridian Imaging Solutions
The Michael Companies, Inc.
Mark & Leslie Montroll
Doyle Niemann & Karen Morrill
Dean Paris
Pearl Elegance Foundation
Prince George's County Council District 2
Prince George's County Council District 3
Anna Bernanke
Sabrina Bielefeldt
Bright Solutions II, LLC
Tom Cardarella
The Catalogue for Philanthropy
Hannah Cole-Chu
Alana Cole-Faber
Community Forklift
Michael Cooperman & Maria Schiff
Rishi Das
Julie Egermayer
End Time Harvest Ministries, Inc.
Abby Greenwell
Happenstance Theater
Shawn Hintz
Jacob Howley
Madeline Jowdy &Frederick Campano
Dr. Khademi's Injurty Centers, PC
Christine Kidd
Brooke Kidd
Bryan Knedler
Allison Lince-Bentley
Tracy Loh
Maria Lopes
Elizabeth McMeekin
Jim Miers
Cheryl Morden & Reuben Snipper
Michael Nephew
Christina Nichols & Diane Russell
Vicki Onderdonk
Peake Financial
Ted Porter
Carla Reid
Eddie Rivas
Juan Rodriguez
Charlene Smith
Amy & Shane Smith
Eric Stoltzfus & Cynthia Lapp
Jimmy Tarlau & Jodi Beder
Larry & Kay Taub
Alyce Thompson
Tamara Williams
Laura Wilson
Carolyn Wilson & Gabe Mink
Shonin Anacker
Valarie Ashley
Chris Barnicle
Manohar Bartakke
Rajiv & Naomi Bartakke
Carol Barthel
Catherine Bergmann
Prudence Betts
Alan & Carol Binstock
Town of Bladensburg
Robin Bliss
Isaac Bloom
David & Pamela Blumgart
Erica Bondarev Rapach
William Boulware
Janet Boyd Reed
Katharine Bryant
Alayna Buckner
Faith Burton
Jamie Buss
Debra Capponi
Susan Charland
Samantha Cicotello
Nicole Clem
Byra Cole
Dan & Maura Collinge
Linda Couch
Katherine Culzoni
Elizabeth Daniels
Beth Davis
Alonzo Davis
Carrie Dike
Andrew Doyle
Imani Drayton-Hill & Bobby Hill
Herbert Drower
Elizabeth & John Dugan
Jessica & Peter Ellis
Kathie Foley-Meyer
Kathy & Jerry Freshley
Michael Friend
Bettie Robinson Gibbs
Sara Gibson
Barbara Goliday
Joseph C. Green
Hannah Grisar
Lara Gudé
Leah Hanes
Charles Hart
Paula Hawkins
Cortez Hayes
Clareen Heikal
Jordan Reeves
Franklin's Restaurant
Derek Reynolds
Melissa Rosenberg
Carlo Sanchez
Laura Schandelmeier and Stephen Clapp
Paula Schuman
Marcy Seitel
Stephen Shaff
Jacqueline & Norman Sheffield
Douglas & Janis Sloane
Dan & Cathy Smith
Courtney Smothers
Shirley Snowden
Helga Sol
Pooja Sripad
Shawn Stone
Howard Stone, Jr.
Emily Strab
Elizabeth Stuart Whitfield
Jennifer Swan
The Honorable Deni Taveras
Valerie Theberge and Shahin Shikhaliyev
Paulette Thompson
Jan & Jon Townshend
Eugene Washington
Henry Washington
Patricia E. White
Jennifer Williams
Tracie Yorke
Jared Yuster
$99 and Under
Willie Abney
Jonathan Abraham
Deborah Ager
Jessie Alexander
Sistah Joy Alford
Roger Allen
Sharon Allen
Raquel Alleyne
Amazon Smile
American Power & Gas
America's Charities
Kathleen Amt
Evelyn Archie
Bevolin Ashley
Samantha Auguste
Marina Baker
Gerald Barille
Beverly Barnes
Andrea Baskerville
Jana Bates
Ophelia Baxter
Barbara Becker
Tonya Beckman
Jessica Beels
Celina Benitez
Thomas Bethards
Binyamin Biber
Jean Blankenship
Jim & Jan Boeglin
Angela Boone
Augustus & Sherene Bosley
Thelma Boyd
Spencer Boyer
Karen Bradley
Karen Brown
Kellie Burton
Eden Butler
Jasmine Butler
Shaleena Capers
Romona Carter
Amy Cavender
Nathan Cederoth
Felicia Chambers
Enoch Chan & Kimmie Dobbs Chan
Xiujin Chen
Jon Chisholm
Inez Claggett
Saige Colbert
Miko Collins
Sarah Combs
Amanda Consol
Lynnette Cosby
Teyna Coy
Abby Crowley
Laurel Cullen
Benita Dale
Ashley Daniels
Anastasia Danielson
Kelly Davidson
Natashia Davis
Melissa Day
T. Eugene Day
Dave Diller
Sherry Dougans
Brittney Drakeford
Aliza Drewes
Desire' DuBose
Dorothy Dykers
Marketa Ebert
Carl Eichenwald
Tiffani Elliott-Jelani
Helen Emory
Marie Alice Etienne
Merinda Evans
Bonnie Everett
Rima Faber
Emily Flory
Karma Foley
Danielle Fortune
Jeanne Fox-Alston
Aquene Freechild
C. Fuller
Sharon Garrison
Emily Gilcher
Zondra Gilliam
Elisha Gilliam
Nancy Gist
Amber Golden
John Gordon
Patricia & John Graham
Jennifer Gray
Julie Green
Lorna Green
Noor Greene
Eleni Grove
Carlos & Eleni Grove-Bustamante
James Groves
Christine Hands
Angela Harris
William Harrison
Michael Hartman
Meagan Healy
Elena Hernandez Ramon
Cory Hill
Shaunga R. Hoffler
Mansie Hough
Jacob & Maria Howley
Angela Hubbard
Ronald Hughes
Timothy & Karen Hunt
Paul D. Jackson
Kate Jackson
Joseph Jakuta
Orly Jalowski
Christopher Janson
William Jenkins
Ann Jimerson
Stacie Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Judith Johnson
Cameron Johnson
Darnesha Jolly
Tammy Jones
Ani Kasten
Frank Kayser
Ronnelia Kelly
C. Kelly
Leonora Ko
Anthony Kochis
Gaelle Kolb
Kelvin Koprowski
Patricia Krauss
Gantt Kushner
Edward Landa
Cynthia Lane
Diane La Voy
Cathy Ledbetter
Patricia Lee
Hanna Lee
Eva Lewis
Sharon Lewis
Charla Lewis
Catherine Liddle
Sarah Lifsey
Ashley Little
Laura Lubin
Brenda Makle
John Manning
Jo Maralit
Alex Martin
Wayne Mason
Maya Matheny
Change Matters
Adele McAllister
Caroline McCabe
Ashley McDonald
Maggie McKay
Susan McKinley
Melody McKinley
Billy & Lindsay McLaughlin
Marla Mclean
Liz McLean/Knowsaic
Gretchen McMullen
Kevin McNeil
Kristi Medley
Peter Meiland
Anke Meyer
Nancy Meyer
Sabrina Meyers
Karen Moe
Marcus Monroe
Julius Moore
Sherri Moore
Carolina Moppett
Christopher Morgan
Amy Mulbach
Amy Muhlberg
Joseph Myles
Jean Nazaire
Carline Nazaire-Lubin
Elan Nguyen
Mikeljon Nikolich
Nisey's Boutique, LLC
Swynice Ockiya
Katherine Offutt
Sasha Olinick
Eric Olson
Vivian Omagbemi
Allie O'Neill
Adam Ortiz
Philip Page
Mary Park
Jerome and MJ Park
MarTina Parker
Samuel & Patricia Parker
Joyce Pegues
Carla Perlo
Tresniece Perry
Miriam Phillips
Susan Phillips
Lynn Poirier
Elizabeth Pomper
Ritchie Porter
Tiffany Price
Leslie Prince
Joy Pritchett
Dana Puzey
Janice Ramkalawan
Matthew Reeves
Lindsey Reichlin
Pete Reiniger
Beth Rendely
Zamir Reyes
Pamela Rhone
Craig Rice
Kathryn Richmond
Peter Robbins
Stan Robinson
Malachi Robinson
Marita Roos
Niel Rosen
Otis Rowe
Margarita Rozenfeld
Benjamin Rubin
Rick Ruggles
Molly Ruppert
Patricia Russo
Jackie Sabath
Kael Sagheer
Toni Rae and Michael Salmi
John Scales
Samara Scott
Tianna Seaborn
Stephen Sena
Prabhakar Shenoy
Alicia Sherrell
Kathy Shollenberger & Barry Stahl
Kate Siegel
Mary Sies
Valerie Silensky
William S. Simms and Margaret Luongo
Bianca Siravo
Nina Skaya
Michaela Smalls
Anne Smith
Joel Smith
Aza Smith
Catalina Sol
Raman Sood
Rajni Sood Laurent
Nancy Soreng
Edgar Sorrells-Adewale
Nancy Stark
Joseph Steinbock
Robert Sterling
Richard Stout
Kimberly Strother
Chitra Subramanian
Leslie Sutton
Willie Sutton
Greta Swanson
Kathy Takayama
Millie Tansill
Deshawn Tatum
Kate Taylor
Linda Taylor
Lisa Taylor
Brandy Taylor
Courtney Temple
Christine Theberge
Carroll Thomas
Hazel Thomas
Renee Thomas
Alan Thompson
Ashley Thompson
Julie Thormodsgaard
Leslie Tillery
Yvonne Tindal
Anya Vavil
Skyler Velez
Arthurine Walker
Mary Anne Walker
Grace Walker
Laura Warner
Adrienne Washington
Andrew Watt
Tonia Wellons
Frederick Werth
Scheera Whitaker
Nick & Ligia Williams
Rex Wingerter
Javed Woodley
Finisha Woodson
World Bank Community Outreach Program
Anya Zmudzka