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Pa'lante: Serie Cultural Latinoamericana con Elena La Fulana

  • Joe's Movement Emporium 3309 Bunker Hill Road Mount Rainier, MD 20712 (map)

This program will be run primarily in Spanish. Keep scrolling for English description.

Pa'Lante Serie Cultural Latinoamericana con
Elena La Fulana

El primer concierto de la Serie Cultural Latinoamericana Pa’lante, se enfocará en la cultura de Centroamérica por medio de la música de Elena La Fulana, instrumentalista nominada al Latin Grammy y líder del grupo Elena & Los Fulanos. Acompañen a Elena quien con su música explorará sus raíces y explica el viaje que tomó con su arte para encontrar su propia voz e identidad. Por medio de esta dinámica presentación, exploraremos el sabor incomparable de la cultura y folklore Centroamérica con música original y tradicional intercalada con poesía y baile.


Domingo 25 de Febrero a las 6:00 PM

Entradas: $15

Latino América es una tierra llena de vida, cultura, y música. Gracias a su diáspora, la cultura Latinoamericana se ha propagado por todos el mundo y cada día se vuelve más popular en los Estados Unidos. Pa’lante, la Serie Cultural Latinoamericana, exhibirá artistas de cultura Latinoamericana que existe en el área de Washington, DC, representando la gran variedad de regiones de Latinoamérica: desde Centroamérica al Caribe, de México a Sudamérica. Por medio de esta serie exploraremos la amplia diversidad de culturas Latinoamérica que se practican y conservan en nuestra región.

Pa’lante: Latin American Cultural Series with
Elena La Fulana

The first installment of the Pa’lante Latin American Culture Series, will focus on the culture of Central America through the work of Elena La Fulana, a DC-based Latin Grammy-nominated instrumentalist and the leader of the Wammie-nominated band Elena & Los Fulanos.

Join Elena as she uses music to explore and rediscover her Nicaraguan roots and find her own voice and identity through art. Throughout this dynamic show, we will explore the unique taste of Central American culture and folklore through original and traditional Nicaraguan music, interspersed with poetry and dance.


Sunday, February 25th at 6:00 PM


Latin America is an expansive land full of vibrant life, culture, and music. Thanks to the Latin American diaspora, Latin American culture has been rapidly spreading to all parts of the world and is increasingly becoming part of the mainstream.

The Pa’lante: Latin American Cultural Series at Joe’s Movement Emporium will showcase the wide variety of Latin-made music and cultural expression based out of the Washington, DC metropolitan area, representing the wide variety of creative and cultural expressions stemming from different regions of Latin America: from Central America to the Caribbean, and from Mexico to South America. Through this series, we aim to explore the vast array of Latin American Cultures existing and thriving in our region.

*This program will be run primarily in Spanish.


  • If you are sick, stay home!

  • Masks are recommended but not required.

  • Sanitize your hands upon entrance of the lobby.

  • No outside food or drink. No food in the theater.

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