Set in the year 2093, this theatre work follows Davu, a young black man, through the ruins of a futuristic African-American history museum. There, Davu encounters androids who help him uncover a past unrealized, as they reenact stories of both the heroism and the destruction of Davu’s predecessors. The Final Genocide is a story of the possibilities and dangers faced by black men in America.
Tickets are pay-what-you-wish starting at $5.
Friday, April 17, 2020 at 7pm
In partnership with Joe's Movement Emporium, NextLOOK supports the development of new music, plays, dance and other experiences by regionally-based performing artists. These artists are mentored by seasoned arts administrators from The Clarice and Joe’s Movement Emporium to construct innovative methods of deepening the audience’s involvement in their creative process. By removing logistical barriers of cost and space, and providing a sounding board for artists creating new work, NextLOOK invests in the regional arts ecology and creates an accessible, exploratory environment that connects intriguing artists with adventurous audiences.