The Stream Team was created in June of 2018 and is made up of CreativeWorks graduates and the Stream Team Coordinator who works in partnership with Anacostia Riverkeeper, the City of Mount Rainier, Maryland National-Capital Park and Planning Commission, the Chesapeake Bay Trust, Prince George’s Department of Environment, and Joe's Movement Emporium.
The CreativeWorks is a paid job training program for Prince George's County young people ages 17 - 24.
CreativeWorks graduates have the opportunity of pursuing a "green career" by participating in the Stream Team and utilizing their digital media skills to maintain a social media presence, create info graphics, and raise awareness about the impact of pollution on our waterways.
The CreativeWorks Stream Team utilizes and maintains a Bandalong Litter Trap. The Bandalong is designed to float in waterways in order to capture litter before it flows farther downstream by using the current to guide debris into the trap.
This the trap operates 365 days a year without any mechanical assistance to capture floating litter. The trap is safe for fish, waterfowl, and other aquatic life.
The Stream Team works to clear litter from the trap, which can then be sorted and weighed by litter type so that the litter reduction statistics can be recorded and shared with the community members and County partners.
In addition to the litter removal, the litter trap will serve as an important education site, informing community members and visitors about the importance of properly disposing litter.