The Black Smile Film Premiere
Presented by Olivia Eddings and Shartoya Jn.Baptiste, The Black Smile is not a struggle story, but a joyful one. Let no woman who began this process, leave the same. Let no woman that watches this film, think the same.

BAITED.: CreativeWorks Cohort 3 Final Showcase
Based on the article “Fake Online Identities and Catfishing Pose a Serious Threat,“ join us for an evening of original skits, videos, and musical performances.

THE POPPAW QUEEN—Documentary Film Fundraiser
Come and support the film with an evening of spoken word, live art, networking, and engaging conversation about the film and related themes. The VIP Reception starts at 5pm with a silent auction, small bites, and a live art performance.

Film Screening: "The Last Black Man in San Francisco"
Watch the film The Last Black Man in San Francisco, which tells the story of Jimmie and his best friend Mont as they try to reclaim the house built by Jimmie's grandfather, launching them on a poignant odyssey that connects them to their past, even as it tests their friendship and sense of belonging in the place they call home. This film is for adults.

Ay Mariposa - Community Film Screening
A documentary film about two women and a rare community of butterflies standing on the front lines in a battle against the US-Mexico border wall.

Fair Housing Films and Panel Discussion
Joe’s will screen two short films on housing discrimination, racial segregation, and persistent institutional racism.

Movie Premiere & Relationship Panel: Nothing But Love
Nothing But Love is a powerful short film that reveals what can happen when one person in a relationship loves the other person way too much.

Film Showing: Mughal-E-Azam
Join Nootana as we showcase the critically acclaimed film Mughal-E-Azam.