Invasive Plant Removal
Join GreenWorks and Mount Rainier Elementary School’s (MRES) Parent Teacher Organization on Saturday, August 3rd at MRES to learn how to remove invasive vines safely to beautify the space and make it more accessible to the students!

Mount Rainier Garden Crawl
Joe's Movement Emporium with the Mount Rainier Nature Center will celebrate this Earth Day with a Garden Crawl! This is an effort to bring people together and show how strong the environmental community is here in Mount Rainier. Our various partners and host sites will have nature-based workshops, hands-on green activities, giveaways, gardening tips, and so much more!

Invasive Species of the Month Club w/ Creative GreenWorks
Join the Brentwood Tree Committee & Joe’s Movement Emporium to “Free the Trees“ from invasive vines!

Get To Know Your Water
Learn about the water cycle in your backyard, and how our actions influence the water we drink. Help us clean our local trash trap andsee what's in it.